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Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering


July 10th, 2024 | 2024年7月10日

August 1st, 2024 | 2024年8月1日


August 15th, 2024 | 2024年8月15日


August 22nd, 2024 | 2024年8月22日

  • 2024 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (MEVE 2024) will be held in Wuxi, China during September 20-22, 2024, as the workshop of ICRCV 2024. It's sponsored by Nanjing University of Science, China and Technology and Beijing Jiaotong University, China. MEVE aims to provide a platform for scholars, engineers, and scientists to present robust research demonstrating the expanding frontiers in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering.

  • 我们非常荣幸地宣布第六届机械工程和车辆工程国际会议 (MEVE 2024) 将于 2024年9月20日-22日中国·无锡召开由南京理工大学、北京交通大学联合主办。会议旨在促进机械工程和车辆工程等领域的学术交流与合作,热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。

  • Vehicle Engineering
     is a sub discipline of mechanical engineering that encompasses the fields of automotive engineering, aerospace engineering, rolling stock and marine engineering. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working around the world. Practical applications are strongly encouraged. The exchange of information and ideas at the conference is intended to guide new research directions. An important aspect of the conference is to provide a stimulating environment for students and early career researchers to become acquainted with the theoretical, experimental and simulation methods used to explore these areas.


  • 车辆工程 是机械工程的一个子学科,其涵盖了汽车工程,航空航天工程,机车车辆和船舶工程领等域。 车辆工程合了机械,电气,电子,软件和安全工程等元素,应用于摩托车,汽车和卡车及其配件的设计,制造和操作。汽车工程领域是研究密集型领域,涉及数学模型和公式的直接应用。本次会议旨在促进机械工程和车辆工程等领域的学术交流与合作,热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。

Paper Publication | 文章出版


Option A:

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by technical committee and reviewers of the conference. Accepted paper will be included into Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by Ei CompendexScopus and other main databases.

所有投稿文章将经过严格的审稿流程,录用并完成注册的文章将出版到会议论文集,并提交EI 核心和Scopus等机构检索。

Word Template | 文章模板


Option B:

Accepted and registered papers of MEVE is mainly published in conference proceedings. Excellent papers with extension can be recommend to be published in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (IJMERR, ISSN: 2278-0149), which will be indexed by Scopus, CNKI, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.

Word Template | 文章模板




Call for Papers | 会议征稿

MEVE 2024 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of on-going research in most state-of-the-art areas of Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering. (See the Topics)
MEVE 2024
现公开征集口头 / 海报 形式的报告, 请将您的文章/摘要在截止日期前提交至会务组。 请查看会议征稿范围征稿主题

Submission Method | 投稿方式

1. Full Paper
(Presentation & Publication) | 全文投稿 (出版并做展示报告)

2. Abstract (Presentation only) | 摘要投稿 (仅参会做报告)
Online Submission System | 在线投稿系统

Any questions, please mail



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